The Wonder Of It All

"Sadism, hostility an essential element in love. Therefore it’s important that love be a transaction of hostilities." _ Susan Sontag, Journals.

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:37pm UTC

"I have reached the end of his dreary and repugnant tale of a sense interned in an alien carcass and lumpen by the malignant spirit of the moral majority

I have been dead for a long time

Back to my roots" - Sarah Kane, 4.48 Psychosis

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:58pm UTC

"...'Therefore,' he reasoned with himself, 'it is love coming to claim me: I have been so long without love, hated at home, living in terror of my children’s lives: it is pure, tender, normal love.'
He began to think of other things..." - Christina Stead, The Man Who Loved Children

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm UTC

"This guy's really my favourite kind of victim. Buried in his books, weighed down by cds and videocassettes. It's vile. Loves all the sick writers, accursed artists, degenerate whores. Likes his decadence arranged in alphabetical order. A good spectator, in good health. Knows how to apprecaite the genius of others, from afar, you know. And of course with moderation. Sleeps well, conscience always clear. What we did at his place was a moral duty. " - Virginie Despentes, Baise-Moi

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Category:general -- posted at: 9:08pm UTC

“Love: a hybrid emotion made up of various other emotions collaged by some weak individual's mind to try to quell a particular horror that's not been wiped out by more standardized symbols like Christ, etc. Nietzsche, right? Whatever.”
― Dennis Cooper

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Category:general -- posted at: 8:04pm UTC

There are very definite aspects to our culture pattern which give psychopaths encouragement. In America we put great value on the acquisition of material gain, prestige, power, personal ascendance, and the competitive massing of goods. —William Krasner, The Psychopath in Our Society, Neurotica II, 1948 Thursday

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:54am UTC

"As if there were a control
so marvelous. 

you could teach it
to eat pain."

_ Maggie Nelson, Jane, A Murder

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm UTC

"[She bites God in the wrist. An immense spurt of blood lacerates the stag, and through the biggest flash ofl ightning the Priest can be seen, making the sign oft he cross. When the lights go on again, all the characters are dead, and their corpses lie all over the ground...]" Antonin Artaud

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm UTC

"But is not every square inch of our cities the scene of a crime? Every passer-by a culprit?" - Walter Benjamin

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:20pm UTC

"To know our enemies' minds, we rip their hearts" - Shakespeare, King Lear

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:25am UTC